Start a Lectionary Conversation - September 1, 2024

Fifteenth Sunday after pentecost

The readings this Sunday invite us to consider the practices, rituals, and laws of our faith. How do they help us connect with God? How do they help us grow and strengthen our communities? When do they become empty behaviours that we don’t even think about anymore? Or worse, a means of dictating who is doing religion “right” (and who is doing it wrong?)

These questions are meant to start a conversation - either during or before worship, in a sermon, a newsletter, Bible Study, or just between a person and their journal.

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Jesus challenges the Pharisees (and us) to consider times when our hearts are not in alignment with our spiritual or religious practices or rituals. Is there a practice in your faith community that you would like to understand better in order to more deeply connect with it?

1st Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9

We can often perceive rules as a negative, a way of being restricted. But how is God’s law or way a gift to us and our communities?

Alternate 1st Reading: Song of Solomon 2:8-13

This small book of the Bible is essentially a love poem. But it is also considered wisdom literature - meaning it can serve as a guide for what a faithful life looks like. What does romantic love have to teach us about our relationship with the Holy One?

Psalm 15

This short psalm reminds us that walking in God’s good, loving way has a lot to do with how we treat our neighbours - seeking honest, peaceful, reciprocal relationships. When have you experienced a neighbour treating you with God’s love and care?

2nd Reading: James 1:17-27

James reminds us that a life of faith requires doing God’s word. Our faith needs to be active, not just rational. How do you strive to live a faith that is active and embodied?


Start a Lectionary Conversation - September 8, 2024


Start a Lectionary Conversation - August 18, 2024