Holy babble resources are:
Rooted in Progressive Christianity but may intersect with other faith traditions and spiritualities.
Seeking to be anti-racist and inclusive by amplifying diverse voices and seeking out collaborators of all different backgrounds.
For both newcomers to faith and those who have been around awhile. So often, we can’t assume people are coming into these kinds of discussion groups with a life-long knowledge of the Bible or the Christian faith. Increasingly, people are finding communities of faith for the first time as adults or, even if they’ve participated in worship and church activities regularly, they may not have explored their own faith in depth before. These resources provide enough context for participants anywhere on the spectrum without being overwhelming.
For groups of any size, but especially small groups. A “big” study group in so many of our communities of faith might be ten people or less. The studies and curriculum are designed with those groups in mind or for bigger groups to be broken up.
Designed for participants to come and go. Sure, these guides will work best if people can commit to the group over a period of time. Conversations will get richer and deeper as people get to know one another and trust one another more fully. However, in our North American context, it’s a challenge for people to commit to something on-going. For that reason, most or all sessions of a series anticipate participants coming and going. This is also great because once people hear how awesome your group is, they will want to join!
Created with a minimal need for materials. We’ve all been there - the Bible study is coming up in an hour. You print out the leader’s guide and realize the activities require markers, paint, a costume, and pipe cleaners for all participants. Uh-uh. Not at Holy Babble. Print out your guide, give it a skim and go.
For either virtual or in-person gatherings. If a resource won’t work for one of those settings, it will be clearly communicated in the description.
Proudly Made in Canada. While Holy Babble resources can be used by groups from all over, they may have a distinctly Canadian flavour from time to time (check out that “ou”!)